Maverick Family Spotlight Artist – Maverick Tattoo Mercantile

Maverick Family Spotlight Artist – Maverick Tattoo Mercantile

Hey Maverick community! Strange question for ya’ll (I know weird because I’m not from the south), but have you ever had a ton of vienna sausages hangin from your ceiling? Well if the answer is YES then you probably should be best friends with our spotlight artist for this beautiful month of April.  
Meet Craig St Peter! All the way from Kansas City, Missouri, Craig specializes in illustrative blackwork. His work is seriously. gorgeous… and have you seen him?! He has better locks than me! 💇🏻‍♀️ 
***Calling out PAUL MITCHELL– you guys should be sponsoring this dude!***
Craig St Peter STATS:

IG: @deadcrown_
Style: Illustrative Blackwork
Shop: DK Eclectic in Kansas, MO
Height / Weight: Tall enough and fit enough
Eyes: Twinkling

Hair: Lucious Locks!

Craig is also a movie star! If you haven’t seen him in his biggest role yet, check him out staring in Maverick’s very own commercial-  HERE!
Keep reading to learn more about Craig and his crazy antics of tattooing!
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where can people find you? Social media @’s?

Hey! I’m Craig. I’m a tattooer out of Kansas City, Missouri specializing in illustrative blackwork. Locally, you can find me at DK Eclectic with @thisismyempire and @dankubin. You can find my work on Instagram under the handle @deadcrown_

What do you love about Maverick?

Their pledge for Eco-Friendly products! Their team is constantly hyping us up and the customer service is top notch! (we love ya craig!)

What are your favorite groupings & or Maverick supplies you use while tattooing?

Obviously it’s the tight 03 and 05rl!

The penguin is the Maverick founder’s spirit animal!  What’s your spirit animal and why?

My spirit animal is probably a lion. Mostly because I’m a Leo. *hairflip* 

Can you describe your first tattoo experience? How old were you? What was it of? Who was the artist? 

My first tattoo was a grueling 8 hourish session with my soon to be mentor Tommy. We tattooed my chest for awhile, then I had to leave for classes in college. We came back later that night to finish up and I think I heard color and smelled sounds. 10/10 don’t recommend a long, broken up single day session on the chest for your first go.

 Top 3 artists you admire? Can you give us a brief description? 

@self123 Simeon Nelson – he’s a color tattoo pink demon and he loves hugs. I love his work and he’s inspired me for years. Thankful to call him a friend.


@deadmeat Nick is another huge inspiration. His big bold compositions and clean saturated tones are top notch. Plus, he’s a super nice dude. Sometimes I question if he’s a real person.


@grindesign – Rob was a huge huge reason for me leaping into dots way back when. Our styles are worlds apart but I’ll always give him a nod. I can’t imagine you’re unfamiliar with his work but if so, check him out. He’s a stellar blackwork tattooer. 

What are some funny tattoo moments you have?

That’s a tough one to answer. From tattooing crazy stuff on people, to weird convention antics, where do I start? Ah I’ve got one. One time, I think I was out of the shop for a guest spot while working at @alchemisttattoo in Bismarck, ND. When I came back to my room, someone had hung like 15 cans of Vienna wieners from my ceiling. If I remember right, they stayed hung up for a decently long time until one day someone made me worry about one falling off and hitting a client or myself 😂

If you were to choose a band to describe your artwork, which band would you choose and why? 

I’d wanna say Kublai Khan but I don’t think my tattoos are that heavy. Maybe The Ghost Inside? They can get a little wild but also can pull at your heart strings. I’d like to think my work is kind of like that. Some can get real wild and dark, but others are fairly pretty and soft.

If you were to win BEST TATTOOER IN THE WORLD, lol, who would you thank and why?

I’d thank God. I’d thank Oprah and Dr Phil. Next would be James, the old local tattoo supply bus driver. I’d probably close with a small song and dance number which I’d be horribly off beat and out of key on. As I tripped off stage, I’d let out a little toot. Those who know me, know it to be true.

Secret hidden talent? What is it?

I can make myself burp on command. I have extreme hitchhiker thumbs so you WILL lose in thumb wrestling. That’s probably about it.

What is your kryptonite?

Color tattoos.

Any person or animal that you would like to trade places with for a day?

Gordan Ramsay.

What book or movie would you recommend everyone read or watch? Why would you recommend that specific one? 

The Sandlot, because no better film has ever been made? It’s my childhood wrapped up tightly in a shitty VHS case. 

Which state are you located? What do you love most about where you live and why? 

Missouri! Boy, I love the nature, the people, the food, the sports, everything. Kcmo is home. Go chiefs! Depending when this drops y’all may or may not be able to talk shit on this comment.  (Edit: Y’all can’t talk shit! lol)

What is something weird you do before bedtime? 

Drink coffee.

What would you say is the best way to deal with stress that the busy tattoo life can bring on? 

Internalize. Shut down. Isolate.
No lol. I’ve found inspiration in other areas. Playing guitar again. Exercising. Those things. Gets my mind off of the day to day stresses and lets me relax.

Who is the most unique client you’ve ever met? 

I’ve had a 72 year old woman come on to me, I’ve had a paraplegic fella show me how to twerk, I’ve had non verbal clients. You name it, I’ve probably seen it. I love tattooing for that.

Do the constant pressure and challenge of promoting yourself on social media exhaust you or is it second nature? 

A little bit of both. I used to get really caught up in social media. Following a schedule. Making sure I was hash tagging and responding. Now I just kind of share when and what I want to share. Time is spent better with my family and not on my phone. Love y’all!


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