Everything I tattooed in May 2024 – Lu Loram-Martin

Everything I tattooed in May 2024 – Lu Loram-Martin

So here we are, well into June already! I hope you had a marvellous May.
Mine was full of beautiful tattoos, walks in the sunshine, and ice-cream from Scooped (it’s like a 15 minute walk from the studio, which a wonderful and terrible thing all at the same time).
Here’s a round up of all the tattoos I did in May!
Side note – Because adding loads of photos to blog posts make my website slow I’ve only added one photo of each tattoo, but I’ve added links below any that have more photos posted on my social media 🙂. If they don’t have a link it’s not because I don’t love them, it’s because I don’t love social media. 
If you remember my April round up, you might remember the last tattoo of April was a cover up on Claudia’s shoulder. Well my first tattoo in May was her second day sitting for this floral forearm tattoo! This piece flows around to incorporate a couple of tattoos she already had on her inner arm, check the link to see.

I got to tattoo this spider web on Ash’s elbow! It’s a slightly more delicate take on a trad elbow web, Ash describes is as ‘a gift to baby punk Ash’ who loved traditional tattoos, but grown Ash wanted something a little more delicate. We also added this lil’ croissant just because. 

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Sally made the trip down from Gatineau to get this tattoo that she had been planning for a long time. The deer mirrors a stag that her husband has on his arm and the plants are all from her own collection of absolutely stunning plants! I’m pretty shocked we got this all done in one sitting! She’s a real champ. 

Carly came by to get her patchwork upper arm filled up. I had already tattooed her other upper arm and she wanted to fill around some pieces we had added on this arm a little while ago, to balance it out. Everything that is slightly red is fresh.

Kim has a full sleeve on her other arm that I finished a few years back, and now we’re gradually filling her other arm. I love this zinnia flower she chose for her inner arm. It’s a really unique flower.

I tattooed Sarah’s lower arm a few years ago, and she decided to build it into a full sleeve! We did this over two days and the inside has a super sweet fox. You can see it over on my IG (link below pic).

I tattooed Annie’s upper arm 5 years ago, and she felt the time was right to do her leg!!! We did this wrap around floral piece over two days and added three dragons for her children, and a secret little addition for her first grandchild. The way this wraps her leg is so beautiful, check the link below to see the whole tattoo.

Pinterest // IG // Tiktok
Gillian had the little daisy piece 19 years ago as her first tattoo, which she drew herself. She didn’t want to cover it, instead she wanted to celebrate it! 
We decided to frame it with floral and scrollwork, leaving the original tattoo exactly as it is. I love it so much 🙂.

I tattooed Baylee’s outer arm a year ago (see the link below for healed photos!) and she decided it was time to fill the inside. We kept with the hibiscus, poppies and blossom that we had tattooed on her outer arm and freehanded this addition. So pretty! 

Pinterest // IG
I have been lucky enough to tattoo Patrice a bunch of times now, but I think this torso piece might be my favourite one we’ve done. They’re a writer and wanted to commemorate that with a quill and hellebore. I love the little spiderwebs we added, and there’s also a secret little spicer you can’t see in this photo.

I think it’s been about 5 years since I tattooed the healed flowers on Justine’s arm, and now we’ve made it into a full patchwork sleeve! Keep an eye on my social media for more photos of this one soon. There’s a really beautiful swallow on her inner forearm.

Heather made the trip up to Toronto from Michigan and braved a two day sitting for this peony sleeve!!! She sat so incredibly well, and was an absolute joy to spend time with. Check out the links for more photos to see the whole tattoo!

Anaïs had this flash tattoo design booked in a while ago, but we had to postpone when my Grandad passed away, and then she had a long trip away, so I was so happy to finally do this acanthus scroll tattoo! 

I loved making this waterlily tattoo for Tove. She wanted a waterlily to remind her of her Grandma who used to read The Waterbabies to her when she was a child. It flows right around to a scar she has on her inner forearm. 

Jacqui has been through a lot over the last few years and wanted a reminder of how much she has grown. We freehanded these sweet peas as a reminder that if they can survive through the frost, so can she.

And that’s everything I tattooed this May!

If you are thinking about getting a new tattoo I will next be taking new project request on 3rd-4th August 2024 for the Fall. You can read all about my booking process HERE.
Thanks for reading!


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