Link Between Tattoos, Lymphoma, & Risk of Laser Ink Removal

laser tattoo removal being performed on ladys shoulder area

When understanding why tattoos are linked to lymphoma and how tattoo removal may play a part in this, it is important to understand how laser tattoo removal works. Laser tattoo removal technology breaks down the ink into smaller particles and photodissociates pigment molecules into new and potentially harmful species, making it easier for these fragments to enter the lymphatic system. Each treatment gradually fades the tattoo over multiple sessions. This method is popular and not well-studied when it comes to long-term health effects. This is especially relevant when it comes to ingredients in tattoo ink.
The European Union recently placed a ban on certain kinds of tattoo inks. This ban was created to monitor and reduce the number of unhealthy chemicals and toxins that are often seen in tattoo inks. The United States currently has no regulations or restrictions for tattoo inks. The harmful chemicals in tattoo inks, when further broken down by laser tattoo removal, can penetrate deeper into the lymphatic system, raising concerns about the potential link between laser tattoo removal and lymphatic cancer (lymphoma).
A study from Analytical Chemistry tested popular tattoo inks from nine brands commonly used in the US, including both major and small manufacturers. Out of 54 inks tested, 45 were found to contain unlisted additives and pigments, such as poly(ethylene glycol), propylene glycol, and higher alkanes. These additives could potentially cause allergic reactions or other, more dangerous health issues. The findings underscore a major concern regarding the accuracy of tattoo ink labeling in the US as well as lack of regulation for safe tattoo ink ingredients.


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